Basic Mom Week in Review - 02/08/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. This glimpse into my family:

Me: Is it okay if I work on stuff for a little bit?

Husband: Sure. [promptly disappears to the bedroom to "call his dad"]

Me: [sits down, opens lap top, clicks on browser]

6-year-old: Mom! I have a bloody nose!

Me: [closes laptop, attends to bloody nose in the bathroom]

Toddler: [wanders into the bathroom]

Me: What smells?

6-year-old: I think she pooped.

Me: [checks toddler's diaper - confirms that she pooped]

Husband: [still in bedroom]

Me: [changes poopy diaper]

Lesson: Next time I ask my husband if I can work on stuff, I should be more specific.

2. I heard a frustrated growl from the living room because my 6-year-old OnDemanded (that's a verb, right?) an episode of SpongeBob Squarepants, and, in her words : 

"It said it's HD, and it's NOT HD!"

Lesson: I need to better prepare my 6-year-old for the barrage of first-world problems that are bound to come her way.

3. I caught my toddler climbing into three different containers (none of which are intended to be climbed into) all in the same afternoon.

Lesson: A broken leg will not prevent my toddler from turning everything into a jungle gym. Also, I should probably reconsider my decision to cancel our supplemental insurance policy . . .

4. This conversation after my 6-year-old started having a meltdown about halfway through writing out thank you cards for her birthday:

Me: What's making you want to cry right now?

6-year-old: I feel bad for myself.

Me (trying not to laugh): What do you mean?

6-year-old: [sob, shudder, sob]

Me: You feel bad for yourself because you have to write out thank you cards instead of play?

6-year-old: Yes!

Lesson: It's okay that I still haven't made it to the post office to get stamps for said thank you cards because I was going to, but then I felt bad for myself because I would rather not put on pants, so I didn't.

5. My 6-year-old was having scary thoughts at bedtime, so I told her she should try to think about good things instead. I asked if she could think of something she might like to do.

Her response: "Me, you, Sister, and . . . Taylor Swift shopping at Crazy 8."

Lesson: My daughter and I share pretty much the same dreams.