9 Disgusting Things My Toddler Would Rather Eat Than Her Dinner

9 Disgusting Things My Toddler Would Rather Eat Than Her Dinner

I understand that kids can be picky when it comes to food. I know it's unreasonable to expect every meal I make to appeal to my toddler. But it would be nice if she ate more than three bites of her dinner at least every once in a while. Instead, it seems that our dinner table is a battleground with my husband and I on one side urging my toddler to "just try the chicken" or "take three bites of your broccoli" and her resolutely on the other side, throwing rice on the floor and saying "done" before I've even had a chance to sit down. Meanwhile she spends the rest of the day attempting to eat various disgusting and mostly inedible things. 

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