Basic Mom Week in Review - 04/19/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. I had the audacity to pause for a moment while we were walking around the zoo to wipe my toddler's nose.

This was her reaction:

Lesson: My toddler would rather ride around with snot dripping into her mouth than endure the temporary discomfort of a wipe against her face.

2. My parents invited us over for dinner while my husband was out of town, and they were even kind enough to feed my daughters some special sugar-filled cookies about an hour before we left for home.

Look how happy they were:

And then, they screamed and fought and cried the ENTIRE. DRIVE. HOME.

Lesson: Next time, either I get a cookie for the ride home or I'm leaving them at Grandma and Papa's house.

3. On our way home from the park, my 6-year-old pointed to this pile of tree-trimmings, and said:

"That is a giant bird's nest!"

Lesson: Maybe we should spend more time outside.

4. While in a waiting room, I met a hilarious little girl. This is a snippet of our conversation:

Little Girl: Did you know that when you grow up, you can change your name?

Me: Yes, I suppose you can. Is there a name you want to change yours to?

Little Girl: Yes. But it's a secret. . . It starts with a T.

Me: Tiana? . . . Trisha? . . . Taylor?

Little Girl: It's kind of like Taylor . . . It's Taylor Swift!

Lesson: Talks to strangers, not so good at keeping secrets, wants to be Taylor Swift . . . I think this 5-year-old girl is my spirit animal.

5. I made a smoothie for breakfast, and poured some in a little cup for my toddler (because she always begs for mine). Within a couple minutes, I heard the slurp of her empty cup, which made me feel like an accomplished mom for having a kid who downed a green smoothie.

Then about 20 minutes later, I stepped in this:

Lesson: If I ever feel like I am winning at parenting, I am sure to step in something that will put me back in my place.