Basic Mom Week in Review - 04/17/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 2-year-old covered this bunny's eyes with black Play-Doh. When I asked what she was doing, she said "I make her eyes look beautiful!"

Lesson: I fear a goth teenager is in my future.

2. My 2-year-old looked adorable, so I cajoled her into a mini photoshoot. When I asked if she could "sit sweetly" in her chair, she did this:

Lesson: I'm in some serious trouble.

3. My 7-year-old brought this poem home from school:

Translation: My Mom likes organizing stuff until it's right. My Dad likes to make web designs. My sister like waking up early.

Lesson: Nailed it.

4. My 2-year-old woke me up by yelling, "I am a dog!"  . . . and then licking my face.

Lesson: This is why we don't have pets.

5. My 7-year-old changed her sister's diaper for the first time. 

Lesson: My work here is done - time to send them out into the wild.