Basic Mom Week in Review - 10/16/17

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. The kids made tombstone decorations with their aunt and uncle . . .


And picked some interesting names:

Lesson: Sometimes "proud" just isn't the right word to express how I feel about my children.

2. This interaction:

8-Year-Old: Look how I wrote Juliet's name.

4-Year-Old: In French!

Juliet cursive.JPG

Lesson: My 4-year-old is going to be in for a rude awakening when she discovers that learning cursive will not fulfill her foreign language requirement.

3. This conversation about two minutes after telling my 4-year-old to clean her room:

4-Year-Old: I got my floor all clean.

Me: Oh really?

4-Year-Old: Yeah. You don't have to check.

Me: Well, I am going to check.

4-Year-Old: Ugh, fine! [runs to room to continue cleaning] 

Lesson: My 4-year-old underestimates my intelligence to a near-insulting level.

4. I took my 4-year-old to the park after nap time, and when I told her I wouldn't carry her to the play structure from the car (a distance of about 50 yards), she pouted and said,

"But my legs are tired from sleeping!"


Lesson: Ummm . . .

Tenor GIF Keyboard

Tenor GIF Keyboard

5. This conversation while walking my 8-year-old to the bus stop in my pajamas (plus a hoodie and Uggs):

8-Year-Old: Why are you wearing that?

Me: Because I didn't feel like getting dressed and want to be comfy when I get back home.

8-Year-Old: You could have just changed back into your comfy clothes when you got home.

Me: Yeah, but I'd rather embarrass you at your bus stop.

8-Year-Old: Actually, you're only embarrassing yourself.

Lesson: Does anyone have any aloe? Because I think I just got burned.