Basic Mom Week in Review - 08/21/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 2-year-old decided a busy restaurant was the appropriate time to test this fashion statement (pulling the top layer of her skirt over her head):

Lesson: It helps to have a friend with you when you take your "spirited" child out in public so she can capture these moments while you focus on not laughing and reprimanding your child for her behavior.

2. I let my 2-year-old hold my phone for a few minutes while we were at Target. The Photos section of my phone looked like this when it was returned to me:

Lesson: My 2-year-old sees me from some very unflattering angles.

3. My bubble-gum-obsessed children asked for bubble gum on the hour-long ride home from their cousins' house. I only had one piece left, so I split it in half and gave them each a piece. About two minutes into the drive, this conversation ensued:

2-Year-Old: Where's my bubble gum?

Me: I don't know. What did you do with it?

2-Year-Old: I think I ate it all up.

Me: You swallowed it?

2-Year-Old: Yeah.

Me: Well then it's all gone.


Lesson: Even 2-year-old's have Gob moments.

4. My 2-year-old got stuck in a cart at Target.

Lesson: Sometimes it takes 15 minutes of attempting to unclasp the belt myself (while panicking), three employees attempting to release the clasp (while making small talk), one employee's threat of cutting the strap (while I scream internally, "Yes! Please cut it already!), and finally, all of a young male employee's strength to get your kid out of a shopping cart.

5. This attempt at potty-training by Gramma:

Gramma: If you go poop on the potty, I'll give you a dollar.

2-Year-Old: No. I go pee on the potty, and you give me a dollar.

Lesson: Sometimes Gramma needs to be reminded who's boss.