Basic Mom Week in Review - 08/14/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week (or Last) and the Lessons I Learned

1. This conversation after the first night of my daughters sharing a bed in our hotel room while on vacation:

7-Year-Old: Juliet woke me up around 6. She just came up and started snuggling me.

Me: That sounds sweet.

7-Year-Old: I know. I enjoyed it . . . But it was too early.

Lesson: Muahahaha . . . The tables have turned.

2. Despite it being approximately the hottest week ever, my 2-year-old broke out the earmuffs and scarves.

Lesson: She's been watching too much Game of Thrones.

3. My 2-year-old made this Play-Doh "cake" for me on my birthday:

Lesson: I'm pretty sure my 2-year-old hates me.

4. While on my way to meet a friend for an afternoon movie, I realized I had been so into my home-painting project that I had forgotten to eat lunch. Rather than put buttery popcorn on an empty stomach, I ate the only snack that was in my purse: one of my 2-year-old's Gerber pouches. 

Lesson: Those pouches are not made for adult taste buds and gag reflexes.

5. This conversation during my 2-year-old's first trip out in public wearing underpants instead of a diaper:

Me: I'm so proud of you!

2-Year-Old: I'm proud of you, too.

Me: For what?

2-Year-Old: For wearing underpants.

Lesson: She should give me at least 50 years until she's impressed by that.