Basic Mom Week in Review - 11/19/17im

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 4-year-old was diagnosed with strep throat while my husband was out of town and the scheduled start-date of my first job in four years was just two days away. I chose to look on the bright side and tell myself that at least she had something that could be treated with antibiotics. That was until I spent 45 minutes trying to get my daughter to take her first dose of medicine.

Here we are about 25 minutes into the standoff.

Here we are about 25 minutes into the standoff.

(Later the same day she spit out three doses in a row before finally swallowing a dose while choking back sobs).

Lesson: That'll teach me to never look on the bright side.

2. I made small talk with a man with a cute baby in a stroller in the elevator at the pediatrician's office. As soon as we stepped out of the elevator, my strep-ridden 4-year-old said, "But, Mom, you shouldn't talk to strangers."

Lesson: Here's footage of me trying to respond nicely to my sick daughter:



3. This conversation with my 4-year-old:

4-Year-Old: Mommy, you should have another baby sister for me and Isla.

Me: Why?

4-Year-Old: Because I want one.

Me: What would you do with a baby sister?

4-Year-Old: She could probably sleep in my room. But if she cries, I am NOT going to sleep in my room.

Lesson: I think I'll mark that in the cons column of having another baby.

4. My 4-year-old stole my bra and made it into a "backpack" to carry her Monster High doll:

Lesson: I'd like to be supportive of my daughter's creativity (pun intended), but I don't think this is going to catch on like the Regina George did.



5. I tried on some of my suits from before I had baby number 2, and as I feared, none of them fit. Feeling a bit defeated and wholly lacking in self-esteem, I pulled my trusty black leggings back on only to hear, RRRIIIIP! I looked down to see a hole created by one of my legs (that apparently can no longer be contained even by stretch lycra).


Lesson: Even your trusty leggings can betray you. I'll be crying in bed in a muumuu if anyone needs me.


Valerie Jackson

Valerie Jackson is a basic mom, a tolerable wife, and a self-deprecating writer. She is attempting to raise two young monsters into nice young ladies in Michigan. She has a law degree that’s only current use is to win arguments with her husband.