Basic Mom Week in Review - 11/08/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 6-year-old lost her magic wand. I found these notes in her room:

Front: Dear majic wand whare are you By the way I no you may be haveing fun whare you are but I want you now

Back: respond here and lete me no whare you are.

Lesson: My daughter's feelings toward her magic wand seem to mirror her feelings toward me (i.e., she generally doesn't care whether I'm having fun because she wants me now).

2. I ordered a kid's dinosaur-themed birthday cake for my husband's 30th birthday.

Lesson: If you take a 2-year-old with you to order a surprise dinosaur cake, she will walk around all week saying "Dinosaur cake!" which sort of ruins the surprise.

3. This burn from my 6-year-old (whom I didn't even know was listening) while I was talking to my brother about a weird pain I had in my side.

Me: I mean, I went to the gym last night for the first time in a few weeks.

6-year-old: More like a month.

Lesson: My 6-year-old displays no signs of cognition when I ask her to put her shoes away, but is an active listener when it comes to opportunities to put me in my place. 

4. I gave my kids some bubble wrap packaging to play with. After about five minutes of excitedly jumping on the bubble wrap, my 2-year-old grabbed her toy laptop to lay on the bubble wrap for some pants-less computer time.

Lesson: This feels like a preview of my daughter's college years.

5. I saw this wanted poster on the wall at my parents' house. Apparently, my 6-year-old made it after my 2-year-old stole some candy from the pantry.

Translation: Chocolate Thief - Twix, Nestle's Crunch

Lesson: My 6-year-old is hilarious.