Basic Mom Week in Review - 05/15/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 7-year-old made these sweet goggles out of plastic cups, duct tape, and elastic.

Lesson: I will be saving these for her to wear on her first date.

2. This conversation while watching my 2-year-old play with her headband:

Me: Stop stretching that. You are going to snap it.

2-Year-Old: [pauses . . . goes to place it on her head]

Me: Do you want me to help you put it on?

2-Year-Old: No. . . I want to snap it.

Lesson: Warning my daughter about a possible negative outcome = giving my daughter a destructive idea.

3. My 7-year-old made a footprint-making station out of chalk.

Lesson: My summer will be full of wiping chalk footprints off things.

4. Papa bought my 2-year-old a sticker. She immediately stuck it on my arm and proudly pointed to the part of the sticker that says, "100% Pure Annoying."

Lesson: My daughter may have been a late talker, but there's a possibility she is an early reader.

5. My 2-year-old walked into my room while I was getting dressed. I hadn't put my top on yet, so I was wearing only leggings and a bra. She asked:

"Why you wearing just boobs?"

Lesson: My daughter asks pretty bold questions for someone who refuses to wear pants half the time.