Basic Mom Week in Review - 10/30/16

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. My 3-year-old said she was a mermaid, and then pulled herself to bed on her belly instead of using her human legs.


Lesson: No one can say she isn't committed (or is it, should be committed?).

2. This family conversation while my 3-year-old was pretending to trick-or-treat around the living room:

Me: Happy Halloween!

7-Year-Old: Or as Lewbert [character on iCarly] says, Happy Hanukkah!

Husband: He says that in the Halloween episode? Are you sure it wasn't in the Christmas episode?

7-Year-Old: No. I mean, I know Hanukkah means Christmas.

Lesson: Ooh boy. Looks like I have some explaining to do before my daughter starts saying offensive things in public.

3. I overheard this while my 3-year-old was talking to herself (or her mermaid dolls) in the bath:

"I need pennies and cash. I don't have any cash. Wait . . . I might have some on my library card."

Lesson: Apparently, my daughter has no clue how money (or libraries) work.

4. My daughter fell off the bench in our dining room.

Lesson: This Halloween, Han Solo is going to have a slight bump on his head. (At least it didn't happen last week before school pictures.)

5. This conversation with my 3-year-old on our way to drop her off at my parents' house for the day:

3-Year-Old: You come in to Gramma's house?

Me: Yes, of course I'll come in with you.

3-Year-Old: You will not talk.

Lesson: Just another example of how much more my daughter loves my mom than me - she prefers me to be silent in her Gramma's superior presence.