Basic Mom Week in Review - 06/28/15

5 Things That Actually Happened This Week and the Lessons I Learned

1. Before leaving for Grandma's house for the day, my 6-year-old gave me a big hug and said:

"I just want to snuggle you forever. I love hugging Big Mommy . . . I mean . . . Little Mommy."

Lesson: My 6-year-old understands that the best way to remove her foot from her mouth is to add sugar.

2. While I was cleaning the bathroom, my toddler was pouring teeny-tiny Perler beads all over the kitchen.

Lesson: Attempting to keep a clean house with children is like trying to build a house of cards during an earthquake.

3. My 6-year-old fell asleep reading the liner notes to "1989." A few nights later, while I was putting her to bed, she very nervously said,

"When I grow up I want to write songs, but, like, when can I start?"

Lesson: My dreams of becoming a stage mother are slowly coming true.

4. My toddler spilled milk on her tray. And then attempted to lap it up like a dog.

Lesson: I should set her on the floor after dinner so I don't have to pull out the broom.

5. I took my girls and my nephews to the playground, and while atop a play structure, I overheard one of my nephews say:

"I can see Canada from here!"

Lesson: Watch out, Sarah Palin, there's a new international relations expert in town.